Food Amongst Friends, or FAF, is a monthly dining club open to the community. Each individual within the club will prepare and host a main course meal once per 6 months while attending dinners hosted by other members the remaining 5 months. Cuisine must be varied and consist of a variety of global themes which will be pre-selected at the start of each 6 month “world tour”. Individual dining groups will meet once per month. No dining group will ever be the same, you will meet and eat with different people each month until you have completed your 6 month “world tour”. Select recipes courtesy of All Recipes.

CONCEPT: The purpose of the club is to experiment and explore new cooking themes and most importantly to expand horizons by meeting new people, sharing ideas and conversation at a place we often forget about- our homes. A voluntary cash membership donation of $15 will be used only to cover any administrative expenses (website, etc.). …

Want to learn more, ask questions, share recipes or join dinner club? Contact form not working? Please contact our Director of Membership Communication Learn more about the Lexington Kentucky Dinner Club in this video.

Watch highlights from past dinner themes!